IFCA Housing Network’s Website Privacy Policy

When applicants fill out an application for housing on IFCA Housing Network’s website, they grant IFCA access to certain information. This information may include: their first and last name (and the names of everyone in your household), phone number, email address, social security number, date of birth, drivers license information, information on your current living situation, information on your vehicle, information on any pets, eviction information, and income and assets information. Income information relates to secondary sources of wages and tips, investment interest (includes tax-exempt), dividends, social security/pension, SSI disability, unemployment insurance, veterans benefits, trust funds, insurance proceeds, alimony/child support, and all other income. Assets information relates to savings and checking accounts, mutual funds, IRA, 401 (k)s, trust and/or annuities, life insurance stocks and bonds, real estate, and all other assets. The information IFCA collects is utilized to determine eligibility for IFCA housing.

Applications are viewed by IFCA’s Administrative Specialist to assess completeness and to date stamp, and then passed to IFCA’s leasing team for review and processing. In the event of an audit, auditors will have access to the application information. Files are maintained in a secure location in the IFCA office and only accessed when needed. When the application is up for review it will be stored in an individual folder which will be kept in a locked drawer during the process. If the applicant is eligible, their paperwork will be moved into a tenant file folder which will be stored in file cabinets that are locked. Any applications that are removed/rejected will be moved into a storage space that is also locked and secured. All staff who have access to the files have been trained on the proper handling of all personal and financial information.